Four Years!!
Happy four years !
Happy four years and a cute lil boy who is a year old!!
Phewwwww. So much in four years. No, I won't say it just feels like yesterday that I got married.
I did think of baking a special cake for our day, but we have had too much of cake recently. So thought of making hubby's favorite Gulab Jamoon. It's been long time since I did this one. Just as I started making these , an idea struck me. "Why not make Gulab Jamoon Pops?" Yes, I have seen people making cake pops, So very unprepared, I started to make these pops. Since it was the first time I would be trying , just made 4 of them . This is how it's made.
Ok! For the Pops, all you need is dry gulab jamoons, chocolate (white or milk, whichever you prefer), stuff to decorate(optional), toothpick/lollipop sticks, thermacol.
Note: While melting chocolate, do not add water or milk . Just melt it as it is. If you want to thin it down just add few drops of oil/shortening to it. I just sprinkled few drops of water, which I shudn't have done.
Believe me! There's nothing heavenly than melted hot chocolate:) Yummmm.
After this, You can roll it over crushed pistachios, almonds or cashews as per your taste. You can follow this step if you aren't interested in decorating it. You can also probably serve it with ice cream.
Take a piece of thermocole and insert the toothpick on it. Refrigerate it to harden the chocolate. It is then ready to eat. See ,wasn't that easy?
Decorating the pops are totally optional. There are millions of ways to decorate them. I did some simple decoration. Here I used white fondant to give it some character.
U can even do this using white chocolate. Mixing food colours with white chocolate and running it threadlike on these pops also look wonderful.
Few other Variations.
There you now know how to make them:) It taste sooo yummy. Trust me on this.
Anybody want a bite??
Update: Better to use semi sweet chocolate to balance the sweetness of the gulab jamoon
wooooo... I want.
Hey Ash.. I wish I could get a bite :( it really looks yummmmmmm yummmmmm yummmmy....
hey u shud make it for me when u come to india..........
Sure :) U All will taste it wen I come to India
looking really yummy ash....will surely try once....mouth watering...slurp:-)
ashu it is really tempting
you can name it as choco jamoon 65
hey ash ... it luks real yummy... gr8 artist buddy ... happy belated anniversary... happy days enjoy maadi
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